Earth Altar Hits the Road in Support of Inter Terra Solis

Halifax's Earth Altar, the dynamic two-piece cosmic prog/doom/psych outfit consisting of drummer/vocalist Jon MacIsaac and bassist/vocalist Spencer Trout, have been preparing to hit the road for their second round of tour support for their latest effort - Inter terra Solis. The album, released September 15, 2023 (on Black Throne Productions) is a split with Toronto's heavy stoner/doom power trio, Sun Below, and is considered a cosmic journey through dark, ethereal beauty, and planet-crushing heaviness.

I was able to catch up with Jon and Spencer before their departure and asked them a series of questions about their time on the road, experiences shared and their general outlook on spreading their groove inspired trance-enhancing sonic offerings across the land.

NOD - How did the idea for this tour come about, and what unique aspects or challenges does the band anticipate while navigating Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton in just three days?

J Working with Black Throne Productions helps bridge the gap between where we're based, Kjipuktuk
(Halifax), NS and where we aim to play right now: central Canada and further west. So, it's actually been easy, well-timed and well thought out to do this upcoming run.

S - Earth Altar is always looking to tour and play music. Luckily, our partnership with Black Throne Productions gives us the opportunity to link up with like-minded musicians and artists across Canada. The big challenge for us is the distances involved in touring Canada, and lining up time off our day jobs to go hit the road.

NOD - Can you share some insights into the band's preparation process for the tour? Are there any special surprises or elements that fans can look forward to during the performances in each city?

J - Spencer and I are always playing our instruments whether it's practicing or playing in varying musical projects, so our prep work is mainly focused on a setlist and repetition. We're playing an old song we haven't played for a few years, material off our recent release Inter Terra Solis, through Black Throne Productions, and new material for our next record.

S - At least a month in advance, Jon and I set out a setlist so we can dial in what is coming every night. We try to bring as big of a show that two musicians possibly can. We treat every show as the biggest show we will ever play, and feed off the unique energy or every crowd.

NOD - tours often bring intimate experiences for both the band and fans. How does the band plan to connect with the audience on a personal level during this tour, considering the diverse music scenes in Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton?

J - Social sharing of videos, giving the view of the road, and being as close to the ground floor with how we present ourselves; we're a live music band. We love playing live and meeting new bands and are very excited to see what Canada is offering right now.

S - Jon and I like to talk and hangout with like-minded people, regardless of the city. Earth Altar has an ethos of inclusion and community that we express through our music and making real, human connections.

NOD - With a tight schedule covering three cities, how does the band plan to balance energy levels and maintain a consistent performance quality throughout the tour? Are there any pre-show rituals or routines that contribute to your onstage chemistry?

J - Being a tourist is great! Finding pinball machines and seeing small local shops, and all the diverse peoples. We're both relatively sober, Spencer will have a few beers, I'll smoke some marijuana, but we really focus our time on the job ahead.

S - Jon and I both enjoy nature, museums, or other cultural stops - and pinball. Taking a minute to be present in those spaces and forgetting about the tour and just existing can really help and recharge. Luckily this tour has relatively short distances between venues, and both of us driving helps.

NOD - Exploring different cities can influence the creative process. How does the band expect the uniques characteristics of Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton to impact their music and overall experience, and will you be incorporating local influences into your performances?

 J - Canada has some really great heavy bands coming out, as well as bands that have been logging hours in their respective local scenes and getting noticed. Having great areas like Black Throne Productions and Fuzzed and Buzzed are incredibly helpful with travelling and playing music.

S - the majority of Canadians live in Ontario and Quebec. With the two of us coming from the Maritimes and the prairies, it is good to see how others live. One of our lynchpin bands, RUSH, is from the GTA, and the mainstream cultural heartbeat of Canada, especially in heavy, psyched out music, comes from this region. Adding it to our experiences is going to change us, and expand horizons.

NOD - tours often foster a strong sense of community. How does the band plan to engage with local musicians, venues, and fans to create a memorable and collaborative experience for everyone involved in each city you visit?

J - We love talking about gear, up-and-coming bands, and generally just being music nerds and fans. We enjoy the process of finding bands to play with. The venues have all been great and very welcoming.

S - With communications as readily available as they are, we maintain awesome contact with other bands that we have played and toured with. The guys in Sun Below and the Black Throne Productions family are like brothers to us now. When we get together it is like nothing has changed, except the music is getting better and the bonds are getting stronger.

Earth Altar Instagram
                     Sun Below Instagram                     Black Throne Productions Instagram

Sun Below will join Earth Altar on a three night jaunt through Ontario, beginning in Ottawa, at the Avant-Garde Bar on Thursday, March 14, also with support from Altar of Fuzz and Shroud. Friday, March 15 finds them at Toronto's Bar Orwell, with Electric Magma and Rough Spells and then wrapping up the mini tour at Doors Pub in Hamilton with On the Verge and AAWKS


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