the ORCHIDS are in bloom


I recently had the privilege of getting together with Alexis Grant and Rhys Poirier, of the ORCHIDS, at their Onslow Mountain rehearsal space. I had been seeing so much of them on Instagram and facebook, I figured it wise to reach out to them and see if we could coordinate an interview so that I could learn more about them; as a band and as fans of music.

Upon doing some research online, I noted that they have played 12 shows as the Orchids, so you can imagine my surprise when i learned that the duo have only been a band since June of 2023. Having both been in their High School symphonic band, they were too shy to introduce themselves, and it wasn't until they were paired together to create thunder - using a large metal sheet table top - that the ice was finally broken between the two.

They quickly bonded over shared interests in many bands and artists and became fast friends. it was soon decided that they would start a band - a White Stripes cover band - with Grant on drums and Poirier on guitar and vocals. Within a couple months, the pair were introducing other influential bands' songs into their repertoire and already getting asked to play shows. With Grant having set up the bands Instagram account, the requests were coming in to play shows in Halifax, and beyond.

They both discovered their love of music in very different ways, Rhys didn't have a strong musical influence around the home, as music wasn't on much around the house. It wasn't until watching cartoons, when he was 9, that he saw an episode of Scooby Doo that featured a guest appearance by the band KISS. He was instantly intrigued, and it wasn't long before he was submersing himself into the world of classic rock. Music quickly became Rhys' first love. He got his start as a musician on the drums when he was in 4th grade, before switching to guitar, and taking lessons for 6 years.

Alexis experienced music her entire life, as both of her parents are avid fans and always had music playing in the house, often as the centre of attention, with lots of lessons being learned about this band and that artist, but it wasn't until she visited her best friend's home and discovered that she had a drum set. Alexis would visit often, and would gravitate to the kit, playing it all the time. The pair of pals would put on rock concerts for their stuffed animals and then Alexis would return home, begging for a kit of her own. She received one for her 10th birthday and began taking lessons two years later, learning from different teachers along the way. 

Middle school and High school bands followed for each of them, where they practiced their chops and honed their skills, before finding each other making thunder in the school band.

Being a two piece band, you might expect a "less-than" experience when listening or attending one of their shows but, rest assured, this band is one who takes their approach for a full sound as a "Volume Equals Better" Motörhead inspired mantra. Alexis is a hard hitter so Rhys is pushing volume to keep up, using lots of fuzz and distortion, which are signature sounds for the Orchids. "I can't turn down the drums, they don't come with a volume knob, so he has to work with whatever I'm playing" states Alexis.

When it comes to the duo crafting their songs, they work as a team. Rhys will often share riffs and/or complete songs and Alexis immediately dives in with the beat. It's not long before she is suggesting changes, rearranging sections, or proposing an intro/outro. These dissections are communicated between the two and they try all of their ideas until the experimentation yields their desired result - in your face, raw and spirited rock n roll! Rhys writes his lyrics from the heart, and often from personal experiences/perceptions, but conveys his words in a way that the listener can also relate/perceive in their own way. Each song has a different theme and are loosely based on experiences of either Rhys or Alexis.

When asked of their musical influences, I am given a list of what was blasting in my headphones when I was a teen in the 90's: Dinosaur Jr., Mudhoney, Kyuss, Sloan, Eric's Trip, Elevator to Hell, Black Flag and Fu Manchu to name a few. These influences helped the Orchids shape their sound when they branched from playing covers to writing their original material, and each of their songs carries these varied inspirations.

with all of the gigs these two have under their belts in just one year, they remark that being a two-piece band has its advantages as they tend to travel quite light (compared to other bands) and they are also able to set up and tear down quickly during the gigs, allowing them to have enough extra time on stage to fit in an extra song or two into their set. The Orchids have been hailed by many for having such a full sound and conveying like there are more than two members in the band, and the two agree, that's really awesome feedback to hear.
Rhys loves to engage with the crowd and often joins them on the floor between verses and choruses. "engaging with the crowd as much as you can makes them feel more connected with you" states Rhys, and the crowd definitely responds with equal energy, as can be seen at any of their gigs. Rhys jumps and thrashes around the stage and into the crowd all while the fans are reciprocating his moves, like he has them hypnotized into a frenzied trance and Alexis pounds away, setting the tempo of the seemingly choreographed pit engulfing the floor.

When asked what some of their most memorable moments as a band have been, both Alexis and Rhys simultaneously responded with meeting Mark Gaudet, of Eric's Trip, Elevator to Hell and Purple Knight fame. They both attended a show in Moncton where a mutual friend asked them if they'd like to meet Mark. They were beyond stoked at the chance and both cherish the time they had to talk with him, and are still in disbelief that Mark had heard of their band. "It was a weird, pinch-me, moment" relays Rhys "he's the coolest, most charismatic, exciting guy, ever!"
The duo almost always play Elevator To Hell's song, Fifties lady, at their gigs, and someone had posted footage of one of these performances on Instagram. Tara Landry, bassist of Elevator to hell, gave it the seal of approval and that also made the Orchids heads twirl. 
They both very much love to play live at every venue they are invited to attend, but Moncton holds a special place in their hearts. Whether it's the super solid and supportive fan base they've accrued from playing their, or that their most inspiring bands hail from there, they both admit that there is always incredible energy they feel when there and it sets the tone for their performances each time.

The Orchids are planning to record their debut album in late July at the Drum Room with Chad Peck, of Kestrels fame, engineering and producing the endeavour. The plan is to capture 10 tracks of their original material in a live-off-the-floor manner to truly capture their energy, excitement and connection. While they accede that the studio offers the temptation to layer extra instrumentation, such as bass, or other guitars, they both agree that keeping true to their roots and offering the listener a take-anywhere live listening experience will best represent their purist mission statement.

Rhys and Alexis appreciate each and every gig they are invited to play and note the importance in attending the entire gig, and not just to play their set then disappear. They are music fans, first and foremost, and not only want to support the other bands on the bill, but also want to engage with, and build relationships with, their fans/friends. They believe this is paramount to the scene, in building and sustaining a community that is passionate about supporting bands, artists and venues so that they can be a part of its growth and future.

The duo have an Instagram page that Alexis manages but they have both agreed to focus on the music and do not prioritize daily posts. When they are supplied with live footage from a gig they will post it and they also use the platform to advertise and market their upcoming gigs but they show no interest in creating content for the sake of creating content. With that said, their Instagram certainly embodies what to expect at one of their shows and gives you just enough of a taste to make you want to go see their next performance. They also recently added some merch to their Instagram so, if you can't make it to a show but want to support them, send a DM and place an order. We'll all be able to listen to their debut album before the end of this year and, personally, I cannot wait to see the momentum they gain with that release. To accomplish what they have, just inside of a year, is inspiring. 

The Orchids are really just getting started.

follow the Orchids on Instagram


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