
the ORCHIDS are in bloom

  I recently had the privilege of getting together with Alexis Grant and Rhys Poirier, of the ORCHIDS, at their Onslow Mountain rehearsal space. I had been seeing so much of them on Instagram and facebook, I figured it wise to reach out to them and see if we could coordinate an interview so that I could learn more about them; as a band and as fans of music. Upon doing some research online, I noted that they have played 12 shows as the Orchids, so you can imagine my surprise when i learned that the duo have only been a band since June of 2023. Having both been in their High School symphonic band, they were too shy to introduce themselves, and it wasn't until they were paired together to create thunder - using a large metal sheet table top - that the ice was finally broken between the two. They quickly bonded over shared interests in many bands and artists and became fast friends. it was soon decided that they would start a band - a White Stripes cover band - with Grant on drums and

Interview with Niagara's IVY GARDENS

  When I caught word that Ivy Gardens was coming to town to meet up with Halifax's Earth Altar and Montreal's Mooch - I knew I had to see this show and I reached out to Ivy Gardens in hopes that I could line up an interview.  The release their sophomore album, GOON, in April of this year, had me immediately become a fan.  Ivy Gardens has just wrapped up their tour and are still reeling from the high a band gets from sharing their musical creations with their fans, old and new. I imagine they are feeling very inspired and we will likely be hearing something new from them in the not-so-distant future. NOD : How did the band originally come together? Ivy Gardens : Ivy Gardens began, at least in spirit, many years ago when we were all very young.We found our footing playing together in high school under a different name, and many years later we reformed as Ivy Gardens when we had a clear vision for exactly what we wanted to do with our art. NOD : What inspired the name of the ba

Omnivide Releases a Symphony of Progressive Metal Mastery with 'A Tale of Fire'

  In the realm where symphonic grandeur meets the intensity of progressive metal, emerges Omnivide , a band who's debut album ignites a musical revolution that transcends genres and defies conventions. With ' A Tale of Fire ', Omnivide boldly stake their claim as torchbearers of a new era in metal. From the very first notes of the opening track ' Clarity ', listeners are enveloped in a sonic journey of epic proportions. The albums orchestral arrangements, meticulously woven into the fabric of each composition, add layers of depth and complexity surely to be celebrated by listeners. Yet, it is the seamless fusion of these symphonic elements with the thunderous riffs and intricate rhythms that truly sets Omnivide apart. Tracks like ' Cosmic Convergence ' and ' Opulence ' showcase the band's virtuosity, with blistering guitar and thunderous drumming that propel the listener into a state of exhilaration. Meanwhile, songs like ' Holy Killer '

Earth Altar Hits the Road in Support of Inter Terra Solis

Halifax's Earth Altar , the dynamic two-piece cosmic prog/doom/psych outfit consisting of drummer/vocalist Jon MacIsaac and bassist/vocalist Spencer Trout, have been preparing to hit the road for their second round of tour support for their latest effort - Inter terra Solis. The album, released September 15, 2023 (on Black Throne Productions ) is a split with Toronto's heavy stoner/doom power trio, Sun Below , and is considered a cosmic journey through dark, ethereal beauty, and planet-crushing heaviness. I was able to catch up with Jon and Spencer before their departure and asked them a series of questions about their time on the road, experiences shared and their general outlook on spreading their groove inspired trance-enhancing sonic offerings across the land. NOD - How did the idea for this tour come about, and what unique aspects or challenges does the band anticipate while navigating Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton in just three days? J Working with Black Throne Productio

Obad Hai, Halifax, Nova Scotia's latest Metal outfit, has landed.

  Obad Hai , consisting of guitarist Taber Crosby, bassist Aiden Blanchard, and drummer Jaad Stewart, have crafted a sonic tapestry that transcends genres with their debut album.  The album is a lush journey that bends conventional boundaries, seamlessly blending intricate musicianship, profound storytelling, and captivating creativity. From the tranquil-to-explosive introduction of "A Barren Clicking of Gears" through to the auditory odyssey of "The River Styx", Obad Hai showcases a remarkable command over their craft. Stewart's drumming prowess, coupled with the intricate guitar work of Crosby, elevates each track to a celestial level, while Blanchard weaves groove and heart with his bass. A shared output of vocals from all three resonate with emotional depth that seamlessly intertwine with the musical landscapes of each track. Though the album nods to many metal sub-genres, the progressive nature is evident in its dynamic shifts, intricate time signatures and